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Adres Büyük Cami Mahallesi Yağ Pazarı Sokak No:16/6 (75. Yıl İş Merkezi) Keşan/EDİRNE


The oldest known name of Keşan is "Zorlanis". B.C. With the arrival of the Luwians, 
who settled in Keşan and its surroundings in 4000 BC, the Polished Stone Age began.
The region later came under Greek, Persian, Odris, Macedonian and Byzantine administrations,
respectively. Persian Emperor Darius I (Great Dara) added the region to his empire at the
end of the 7th century BC, making it a satrapy. As a result of the division of the Great
Roman Empire into two in 395 BC, the district fell to the share of the Eastern Roman Empire
(Byzantine). It is seen that the Thracians, who left the Latin Culture and came under the
influence of the Greek Culture in this period, lost their characteristics slowly.
Keşan District first came under Ottoman rule during the reign of Gazi Süleyman Pasha.
During the reign of Mehmet the Conqueror, the exclusive administration of the district
was given to Hersekzade Ahmet Pasha.
The region, which was occupied by the Russians twice in 1829 and 1877, was attacked by the
Bulgarians at the beginning of the 20th century and then by the Greeks during the War of
Independence. On November 19, 1922, the Turkish Battalion under the command of Major
Mehmet came over Malkara and took over the district from the Allied Powers delegation.
Although our district Keşan is a very old settlement, it started to be called Keşan after
the Ottomans. Because the available information and sources show that this name was given
to our city by the Ottomans.
Keşan is a Persian word, derived from the root word "keş". Keş means to pull in Persian,
the ending -an adds a plural meaning to the word, giving the meaning of "those who pull".
After the city was conquered by the Ottomans in 1359, immigrants from Anatolia were brought
and settled here. The ancient natives called "Gacal" are said to be their descendants. These Yoruks,
who were densely settled in the south of Thrace, were called "Topkeşan Yoruks". The task of the
Topkeşan Yoruks was to carry and bring cannons to the battlefield during the war. The name was shortened
over time and began to be used as Keşan.
It is seen that this name is given to different objects such as "pulling" among the people in Anatolia.
In some regions, the leather harnesses of horses are called "kesan". In the Black Sea region, a loincloth
and headscarf made from a special brightly colored fabric is called Keşan. There is also a city in
Iran called Keşan.

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