Keşan Commodity Exchange T.R. It was established on JULY 20, 1953 with the permission
of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Founding members: Ahmet Üner, Halil İbrahim Gümülcineli, Hüseyin Yazır, Osman Ergene,
Mehmet Aytaç, Mustafa Gökalp, Şerif Yörük, İbrahim Aktuğ.
As stated in Article 28 of the Law No. 5174, Keşan Commodity Exchange is a public
institution with legal personality, established to deal
with the purchase and sale of items included in the Exchange, determination
and announcement of prices, within the principles written in the Law.
Currently, its activities are carried out meticulously within the framework
of the permissions given by the law. Our session hall, Product Laboratory,
Soil Laboratory, and live animal market services established on Wednesday and
Friday continue.